“Ir a una clase de tango en general implica memorizar pasos de baile y secuencias, intentar imitar al profe, sorprender a la pareja. El caso de Uchi es muy diferente, todo el baile comienza en otro lado, todo es posible gracias a la conexión, enganche, enchufe. El abrazo hace al tango!” Pablo, Buenos Aires

“Esta forma de pensar el tango me parece revolucionaria” Flavia, Buenos Aires

"Siento que la información que Andrea Uchitel conoce y transmite, es tremendamente sencilla y esclarecedora. Un estudio con muchos principios que pueden apoyar nuestra investigación de Contacto Improvisación, como también estimular el interes y la pasión por el Tango." Camillo Vacalebre, Maestro de Contact Improvisación y de Técnica Alexander.

" Dancing with a stream consciousness between partners who choose to share their space" Leentje, Bélgica.

"O que dou? Quando dou? Un trabalho para a vida." Rita, Portugal.

“I just wanted to thank you for your warm hospitality last week. It was truly a pleasure to meet you and to work with you. Your students and friends were so friendly and accepting - and your food was awesome! It was a very special experience for us. I absolutely loved your class! Your approach goes beyond the ordinary. It is deep and meaningful, yet refreshing and liberating. I will remember it forever! “ Janet, Arizona

“Inmensas Gracias, recorrer, deslizar, reconocer el tiempo y ritmo del espaico, en horabuena, agradecido en la exploración de mi abrazo y caminar. “ Nardo, México

“I have replayed our dances, after the workshop, many times. You will never know how much the two dances impacted me! You were so joyful, happy, playful, free and connected with an embrace that was always there, but constantly changing. Whew! You opened a door for me with those two dances...” Tim, United States

“Andrea Uchitel is one of the new young talents in tango. As she is a good milonguera herself dancing in the milongas in Buenos Aires, she knows what she's talking about. Her technique is a mix based on contact improvisation, body consciousness and interpretation of tango music. Often she uses metaphors to get you to the point. She creates a special atmosphere where you can grow in the music together with your partner. With her spontaneous character her classes are more like open workspaces: we talk, think, experience, dance.
Besides she pays a lot of attention to the integration of her technique in the milonga: to be able to transmit a nice embrace on a crowded dancefloor. You go home with a warm feeling, like you were hugged for over one hour. Definitely recommended!” Leentje Van Broekhoven and Paul Embrechts. Tanngofabriek 'El Sur'

“I have met Andrea Uchitel a few years ago when she gives workshops Argentine tango on my dance school. She is a friendly lady and has a lot of patience while she is teaching the dancers. It is very important for Andrea that dancers are learning talking with their body without force in the movements. She knows the way to translate their minds in the dance. People have not forgotten the words from Andrea.
At he moment that she walks on the dance floor you can see that she is a happy lady and she likes its very much to give their experience to the students. I hope she will make a new European tour and then also visit Vlissingen and our dance school.” Wim Sinke, teacher and owner dance school in Vlissingen, Netherland.

“Estoy teniendo unas experiencias muy lindas bailando, me gustaría compartirlas con vos, que me transmitiste lo que para mi es lo más esencial y más lindo del baile.” María, Buenos Aires

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